Melanie Springbett
Melanie Springbett grew up immersed in nature in Sylvan Valley, a beautiful small community in Northern Ontario. A self-professed country girl, she spent many happy hours of her childhood making pencil and charcoal drawings of both the wild and domestic animals she interacted with. She had a particular soft spot for her family’s German Shepherds and Labs.
In high school, she found her love of oil paints, and in her 20s, she started creating works in chalk pastels. She honed her skills through practice and detailed study of art books of renowned artists, such as Lesley Harrison and Robert Bateman, and credits Edward Aldrich’s “Drawing and Painting Animals: How to Capture the Essence of Wildlife in Your Art” as a particularly influential guide. During this time, she also branched out and started creating portraits of human subjects, mirroring the styles of classic artists like John Singer Sargent.
She and her husband Mike love nothing better than to get out in nature to observe the flora and fauna firsthand and capture it on film. They share a passion for photography, and these photographs often find their way onto Melanie’s canvasses.
Melanie’s art has been featured in special projects, such as the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) Ontario Fish & Wildlife Calendar, and a mural mosaic entitled “Wildlife Ark” – a collaborative effort featuring 160 Canadian artists. She has also showcased her work at many art events and exhibitions, notably the Friends of Bon Echo Art Exhibition and Sale; the Lion’s Art Show in Cobourg, Ontario; and the Sylvan Circle Artist & Artisan Tour.
It was through these events that Melanie started getting commissioned for custom portraits and artwork of pets and loved ones, something that she has since embraced completely. She loves to capture the essence and personality of her subjects, and her patrons are often visibly moved by the finished product. She keeps these comments and reactions close to her heart, and is motivated to keep on creating beautiful art.
Melanie is continually inspired by the untouched beauty of Ontario, whether in the camps of Algoma, the provincial parks, or her own backyard, and she looks forward to sharing her inspiration with you.